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Imprint obligations according to UGB (§ 14 UGB)

Company name: ASPEON Partners GmbH
Company headquarters: Graben 27-28/17, 1010 Vienna, Austria

Line of business: Buying and selling of companies

Business purpose: Market research, search and brokerage of company acquisition opportunities
VAT number: [tbd]
Company registration number: FN 621800m
Commercial Register Court: Commercial Court of Vienna
Official supervision: City of Vienna Municipal Authority

Business license: Business: collecting and disseminating publicly available information; Type of business: free trade

GISA number: [tbd]

Imprint obligations according to the ECG (§ 5 ECG) as well as GewO and MedienG (§25 MedienG)

Full geographical address: Graben 27-28/17, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Contact details: Telephone: +43 660 877 83 73, Email:

Information on online dispute resolution: Any complaints should be sent to the email address provided above.

Managing Directors: Anton Stockert, Stephan Pöll
Shareholdings: Anton Stockert (50%), Stephan Pöll (50%)
Our concern: Information about opportunities for medium-sized business succession and transactions

Data protection: Regarding data protection, please refer to the separate section “Data protection” on this website


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The content of this website is protected by copyright and any commercial use of this material requires the prior written consent of ASPEON. All rights reserved.


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Legal information and content disclaimer

The information contained in this website, any document referred to herein, any information disclosed or emailed or otherwise communicated by ASPEON to third parties, or any other information relating to ASPEON and this website ("Disclosure") will be disclosed to a limited number of persons and third parties on a confidential basis.

The disclosure is proprietary to ASPEON and its affiliates and companies ("ASPEON"), and by reading or accepting delivery of the document, the recipient agrees not to reproduce or distribute any disclosure, in whole or in part, and not to disclose any of its contents to any other person.

A disclosure does not constitute an offer, inducement, solicitation or invitation of any kind by the transmission of a disclosure to the recipient and shall under no circumstances be construed as a prospectus or an advertisement. In particular, a disclosure is not intended to be, and should not be construed as, marketing within the meaning of the European Union Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive.

The information in a communication is believed to be true and accurate, but no responsibility is accepted for such truth or accuracy. No one may or should rely on the contents of any communication for any purpose.

The information in a disclosure was compiled as of a specific date specified in this document. A disclosure and the rights and obligations of the recipients arising out of or in connection with it, whether contractual, non-contractual, pre-contractual or otherwise, shall be governed by the laws of Austria and the jurisdiction of the Austrian courts, in particular Vienna, and shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine proceedings relating to any claim or dispute arising out of or in connection with a disclosure.

As of: 25 March 2024

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